
A self taught photographer living and working in Chicago, I'm as comfortable taking photographs in a remote location as I am in my urban surroundings.  I enjoy creating unique moments as much as capturing fleeting ones. I've always been intrigued with life imitating art, and art imitating life.

Whether capturing an image of what is revealed in a more traditional manner of representation or manipulating what is in front of me to create something abstract, I'm instinctively attracted to light and shadow, textures and patterns, objects and space, and colors or lack thereof.  

With my landscape photography, I try to absorb an area or location before taking any pictures, moving around the subject matter to explore all angles and possibilities for composition. Being "there" at the right time of day is essential to allow the natural light to bring everything together. 

As for my abstract photography, it's more about seeking out certain spots or objects at certain times of day and creating the image in my mind's eye. My photographs are made "in camera", entirely upon manual manipulation of the camera rather than editing software to achieve the effects I produce. I would rather be outside, photographing, than sitting in front of my computer, editing them.